T.D. Jakes

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  T.D. Jakes
Naked & Not Ashamed 

Naked & Not Ashamed
Book Description
With a powerful anointing, Bishop T.D. Jakes challenges us to go below the surface and become completely and honestly vulnerable before God and man. In relationships, in prayer, in ministry--we need to be willing to be open and transparent. Why do we fear? God already knows us, but He cannot heal our hidden hurts unless we expose them to Him. Only then can we be Naked and Not Ashamed! 

In this book, T.D. Jakes calls for believers to strip away all layers of superficiality, religious reasonings, and pious pretendings to be honest before God and man, following the example of Jesus who ministered and died in total openness before us. 

Naked & Not AshamedNaked & Not Ashamed

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